This week, I’m flipping the norm and sharing some positive dog stories in honor of Roxy and Comet, my two fictional dogs in the Marshal series. All three dog stories are true and have happy endings. The first one, at the time of this post, is a true crime and still an ongoing investigation.
At the Right Place at the Right Time: As a man passed by a closed dumpster while on a break from work, he heard noises coming from inside the dumpster. He stopped to investigate. Inside the dumpster, he found the sounds coming from a blue and white bucket. After removing the lid from the bucket, an older, scared, small Chihuahua looked up at him. Someone had used duct tape and wrapped the tape around the dog’s legs before cramming it into the bucket and closing the lid. The final evil act, the person put the dog in a dumpster.
The passerby had the help of a woman to get the tape off the dog. Then they gave it water and snacks. This crime is in the hands of the local authorities to find who threw away their dog. They have some good information from the bucket—it had the name of an athletics group on it and had previously held field marking paint.
Unchained Dogs: I’d like to think there are similar businesses in many of the cities across the U.S. to the business known as Chained Dogs MKE, Inc. A dog-loving woman started the business in 2015. Since then, she estimates they’ve helped 500 animals. They provide shelters, heated beds, and food to families with outside pets who are lacking in their responsibility to care for the animals humanely.
After the group learns of a possibly mistreated animal, they do a welfare check. If the animal needs immediate attention, they call the police for help. And then they nurture and love the animals back to good health.
Chained Dogs MKE has saved dogs whose owners burned them with cigarettes, didn’t feed them and left them out in the cold to get frostbite. She said in an interview with Milwaukee CBS 58,
“It’s truly amazing how they [the animals] bounce back so fast.”
Humbly, she added,
“We’re just a handful of girls who just love animals.”
A Hero with Four Legs: Soon after a couple adopted a 5-year-old German Sheppard/Labrador mix dog, the dog became their hero. While on a walk with Ruby, one of the new dog-parents experienced low blood sugar and passed out. In doing so, he fell into a deep-water ditch. Ruby planted herself next to the place where her owner had fallen and didn’t stop barking until someone showed up to see what was going on with the dog.
After the curious person helped the man out of the ditch, he and Ruby returning home. As they arrived home, the man passed out again. Ruby went into bark-mode to send an alert for help. A friend found the man and called the paramedics. The man and Ruby are doing well. He said about Ruby,
“She really is our hero.”
Do you know of a true dog story worthy of sharing? I'm looking for stories with happy endings. Message me, I'd love to share the story in a future post.
Source: PetHelpful, WSLS 10 News, The Patriot, Milwaukee CBS 58, People
Adorable story photo: My grand-dog, Toby
I love these stories with happy endings.