Do you ever wonder why criminals brag about their crimes? I do. Do they want to get caught? Is it an ego boost to brag? One thing is for sure, when they brag—someone most likely will notify the authorities.
Such is the case with the former U.S. Air Force Communications Specialist in this true-crime case review—not once, but twice.
His first arrest happened after a person notified local law enforcement that the airman had several pipe bombs at his off-base residence. He gave officers permission to search his home, where they found three complete pipe bombs capable of causing considerable destruction.
While in jail awaiting his trial for Possession of an Unregistered Firearm/Explosive Bombs, the United States Air Force placed him on no-pay status as they processed an administrative discharge.
At the time of his second arrest, he was serving his sentence for the first arrest—three years of probation and in-home detention. The authorities received notification the former-airman, a convicted felon, had a firearm. Upon searching his home, they discovered a bomb-making lab besides a firearm. There were also videos he’d recorded of himself testing the detonation switches on the bombs.
A federal judge sentenced him to over four years in prison, plus an additional ten months for violating the terms of his probation for the first offense.
You might wonder about his end-game, his motive. He admitted to investigators he planned to kill local sex offenders. One last note, he passed a mental evaluation prior to the first case and was cleared to stand trial.
Source: U.S, Department of Justice, The Washington Times, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Tribune-Star,