If you’ve ever been in a toxic relationship, this case might sound personal. It did to me.
In court, the wife said,
“My sense of self-worth was depleted during our relationship and I’m still trying to find it.”
The last fight in the relationship ending when the husband shot his wife. Thankfully, she survived the injury.
On that evening, fearing trouble at home, the wife left work early. When she arrived home, she and her husband fought. He was angry and drunk. Their 3-year-old son became fussy, as children often do when parents argue. The father threatened to take care of the child and grabbed him by the neck and squeezed.
The mother took charge of her son. The father went to another room and retrieved a handgun. He pointed the (unloaded gun) at his son and pulled the trigger. Then he pointed it at his wife and did the same. The wife took her son to the car, while preparing to leave and give her husband time to cool down, her husband came outside with another gun. With her son, she went back in the home and found her husband with two weapons—one in each hand. He shot at his wife with a loaded 9mm handgun. The bullet went through her shoulder.
He immediately understood the severity of his actions and pleaded with her to call 911 and say he’d been cleaning the gun when it misfired but then changed the story to an intruder in the backyard and when he shot at the intruder a round may have hit his wife. So, she called 911 and said what she was told to say.
After his arrest, she admitted she’d lied and told the true story to the detectives. She explained that she’d been fearful he’d get out of jail and kill her. She also shared, this incident had not been the first time he’d pointed a gun at her and their son.
Facing a trial for two felonies, he pleaded no contest to attempted deliberate homicide and tampering with witnesses (no contest means he accepts the punishment of a guilty plea without admitting guilt). #attemptedhomicide #angrydrunk
A judge sentenced the 43-year-old man to 40-years in prison. He’ll be eligible for parole in ten years.
Source: Montana Justice Court, KRTV 3 Great Falls, Missoulian